Monday, October 18, 2010

Photoshop Makeovers

1) Too edit this photo, I used adjusted the levels.

2) I changed it to Monochrome.

3) I used healing brush and clean up her face a bit.

4) On layers, I copied the background.

5) Added Surface Blur

6) Erased all Surface blur, except skin.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September Light

1) Adjusted the Curves.

2) Cleaned up face with Brush Tool.

3) Whitened teeth with Brush Tool, and lightened eyes with Dodge Tool.

4) Darkened sides with Burn Tool.

5) Unshapend Mask.

7) I cropped the image to make it Rule of thirds.

6)And lastly, I changed it to Grayscale then too Duotone.
(This photograph is an example of Duotone, Leading Lines, and Rules of Thirds.)


1) Cleaned up Jordan's face with Spot Healing Tool and Brush Tool

2) Lightend Jordan's face up a bit with dodge tool.

3) Adjusted levels and Curves.

4) Upped the saturation a little.

5) Added some green to the trees and grain colour to the grain, using Brush tool.

6) Sharpened it a bit, with Unshapen Mask tool.

Off Center

1) I adjusted curves to lighten her face up, because it was very dark.

2) And cleaned it up with the Spot Healing Tool and Brush Tool.

3) Made eyes more blue with Brush Tool.

4) Darkened the sides for effect.

5) Sharpened it a bit with Unshapend Mask.